Recent Graphics Project

As an owner of 6 Bearded Dragons I had the pleasure of designing a full graphics suite for Livefoods4u.

A very fun project to work on for Livefoods4u. I transformed their website which was in VERY much need of a facelift! See the difference for yourself below.

Reptiles facinate me…their colours, their beauty and their personalities. You can meet them by clicking on the “Team” page 😀

Overall it makes me VERY HAPPY to have taken what they had and transform their site for them WITHOUT the cost of a new website.

Main Website Banner designed for the first slide
Another New Banner for their Dry Goods
Another New Banner informing customers of their amazing service
Another New Banner
If you have any reptiles like I do (6 Bearded Dragons) then Livefoods4u is the place to buy your reptile suplies and live food.
Social Media (Facebook) Cover designed to compliment the new site graphics.

A touching message posted on Facebook by Livefoods4u

This touching message was posted by Livefoods4u – It makes me really happy to see clients very happy with the graphics I produce for them. If your looking for new website graphics that will transform your old looking site into something amazing without needing to have another site built, then get in touch : )

Recap – Gallery